CMS releases new forms to improve research data request process!

CMS is pleased to announce two modifications that aim to streamline and simplify the Research Identifiable File (RIF) data request process.

  1. New RIF request forms: The new forms are simpler and easier to complete and can be downloaded using the Request Forms Generator on the Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC) website. We have created new job aids and optional submission checklists to facilitate the request process.
  2. New Data Management Plan Self-Attestation Questionnaire (DMP SAQ): The DMP SAQ replaces the Data Use Agreement (DUA) level Data Management Plan (DMP) with an organizational DMP SAQ that is specific to the computing environment where the CMS data is stored and processed. The same DMP SAQ can be referenced for multiple research requests. Organizations will need to work to establish a DMP SAQ for their computing environment and link any existing DUAs. Researchers accessing data only through the Chronic Conditions Warehouse (CCW) Virtual Research Data Center (VRDC) will not need to complete a DMP SAQ.

Researchers can begin using the new forms for RIF requests now and CMS will require use of the new forms as of April 24, 2023.